Saturday, March 31, 2012

Marching right into Spring!

March started out with a crazy 5 year old in my bed.  I had worked a double the day before and she decided she was my alarm clock!  It's pretty hard to get mad at that sweet little face.
Crazy Morning Adison 2Crazy Morning Adison


Abi is reading everything these days.  She loves reading to her sister!
Sweet Big Sis

Adison is working on her letters at school and Abi is working on spelling and comprehension.
I couldn't help but laugh at her word mix-up on this sheet!
Adison Art Word mix-up

Itty Bitty treated her big sis to "salon time" one afternoon.  Homework and a hairstyle! 
The girls also helped me make "Bunny Bark".  It was super yummy!
Homework and a hair-do Making Bunny Bark!

We have been in the yard a bunch this month.  There are many weeds to be picked!
Picking weeds

Gotta love Netflix

One rainy weekend before I headed out to work, we all played a few rounds of Guess Who?.
Adison was in full, fairy attire!
Rainy Day Game of Guess Who 1 Rainy Day Game of Guess Who 3

Spring break officially began with breakfast at McDonalds!
Spring Break breakfast

Our two blessings this month.  Seriously.  The ignition on my car went out and we've had
a continually leaky roof.  Our gut reaction was to grumble and worry about how much
these would cost.  What we are constantly reminded of time and time again, is that
these are opportunities for the Lord to bestow blessings.  Blessings for us and blessings for others. 
We are eternally grateful to have seen God working through these circumstances.
Blessing # 2 Blessing # 1

A girl and her dog.  Nothing more and certainly nothing less.
Morning time with Stripe

Abi made her daddy proud.  We went out to eat and she wanted RIBS!!


I planted tulips and was looking forward to seeing all the beautiful blooms.  Well, the deer were looking forward to them as well.  Too bad we live in the city limits. :(
The weather has warmed up a good bit and they seem to not be coming around as much.
I actually have a few that are blooming!!
Tulips eaten by deer

DSC_0028a DSC_0029a

Looking forward to April and all that it has in store!

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