I also recently got to go to Canton, TX with my mom. NO KIDDOS! It was a quick trip, but we rocked those Trade Days! I came home with a new dining room table and mom left with a beautiful bookcase. We walked all over, ate gumbo, and had a great time!
The next 3 pictures are the result of letting my 4 yr old play with my iPhone in Hobby Lobby. I do this quite often actually. It is a great distraction on long grocery store trips. I was browsing through my pictures this past week to see which ones to upload and I came across about 20 pics that sweet, little Adison took. Several were of random strangers. (not sure exactly why, maybe she liked their boots?)
I also bought Abi a new chest for her room. It goes great with the rest of her furniture. Well, she is most definitely my child who resists any kind of change from the norm. Her comment one afternoon still makes me laugh! It went something like this:
Abi: "Why does everything have to change?"
Mommy: "What do you mean Abi?"
Abi: "You put a new dresser in my room and now I have to get my clothes from a different place. You bought a new table for the dining room and it looks different from our other table. And Daddy even had to change up the announcements at church!!!"

We enjoy playing Mario Cart on the Wii. It's a great game that we can all four play together. (Well, Adison tries her best anyway.) She usually ends up in her Daddy's lap for the last couple of races. He helps her WIN and she is so proud!

All Abi wants for Christmas is her Two Front Teeth! She had the 2nd front tooth dangling all morning at church and it was grossing everyone out. We called her Nanny McPhee. (the pic below is her impersonation) I told her that if she didn't pull it out by the end of the day, I would be yanking it out! That seemed to do the trick. Ten minutes later, she had the tooth in her hand. :)
We've been building fires around our house lately! (in the fireplace, of course) We girls love to sit in front of those warm and toasty flames. And a few smores here and there are an added bonus!

We have a new pet around for Christmas. His name is Jingle and he barks along with a book that Gami sent the girls. They LOVE him and talk to him as if he were actually real. He even barks back sometimes!

The Christmas Tree and decorations are all up! Yay! I just love this time of year. I have been seeing the neatest "lighting" pictures on Pinterest, so I grab my camera here and there and play around! I want to take some with the girls before it's too late. So, there's my blog for the week! We've been crazy busy like most families this time of year. We are looking forward to making the trip to Louisiana to be with family soon!

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