I've had to work a few evenings in a row and my time clock is a little messed up. Not to mention how much I've missed my family! I came in tonight and just couldn't get to sleep, so I decided to do something super exciting!! TAXES! I got tired of that really quick and decided to scroll through pictures instead - which eventually landed me here. :) We're somewhat lacking in photos for the past week, but I hope to change that in the weeks to come.
Abi is playing Upward Basketball again this year and really enjoying herself. She still learning the game, but she and her daddy have been practicing and she's getting better and better each week! She's especially good at getting those hands up! We are working on understanding exactly why and when they should be up. She's definitely going to have the height for a basketball star.

Can you find Abi in the following picture? She's all the way on the right - WITH HER HANDS UP! :)

She was relentless when it came to guarding her man.

Mumsey and Pops came to visit this past week and the girls are now spoiled rotten! Mumsey is handling her treatments like a champ and she is doing wonderful!! We are so thankful that she is feeling well and getting to visit family! Pops got some snuggle time before the girls went to bed. As you can see Mumsey, the headbands were a hit and still are! Thanks.

The girls let me sleep in on Saturday morning and had a wonderful surprise! The fridge had been decorated with "Bendaroos". They were very proud of themselves!
A while back, I purchased an old typeset drawer when I was in Canton, TX. I had seen jewelry displays made out of these on Pinterest and loved the idea. So, I went to the hardware store and bought the needed supplies. And I love how it turned out!! (I forgot to take a before picture, but it looks much better after I stained it)
And the best part is the cost of this little project.
$5 - typeset drawer
$ 15 - hardware
$ 5 - stain
They are selling these on Etsy for around $100 each!!! Steven said that I should start me up
a business. :) Then he withdrew his statement :(
As, I was going through an old jewelry box, I found this ticket! I didn't even remember that I had saved it. This ticket holds great sentimental value. This was the weekend when the sparks began! :)
Don't you just love finding small things that mean so much!
(Cupid must be flying near) :)

Looking forward to a fun week with the ones I love!
one last note
I read a few quotes from Mother Teresa recently
“Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you.”
“What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family.”
Looking back at her life, WOW!
She didn't count numbers, she just loved people.
Her life is still speaking truth into more lives.
I'm inspired.
I'm motivated.