We've been working in the yard as much as we can in the evenings and the girls are loving it. Meaning, they get to endlessly play in the water and eat watermelon. (2 of their favorite things to do)

And we started VBS this week! "Pandamania" is the theme. Steven called me at work Monday night after they all got home and said that Adison was DEVASTATED because she had accidentally flushed her "Kung-Fu" headband down the potty! After putting the girls to bed, Steven found it laying on the kitchen counter. It never even made it to the bathroom. Whew! After taking it back to show Adison that she still had it, she said,"Oh Daddy, you got it out of the potty!". Thank goodness it didn't have to go that far!

Abi also had an eventful day and lost her 3rd tooth! One of the BIG ones as she calls it.