January 2013 has come and gone. I received sweet, sweet notes from my oldest munchkin. The days were pretty warm considering it was January and that meant we got to play outside. We finished our second bathroom remodel! yay!!! The girls and I had a fun girly-girl night! (princess crowns and all) January brought many giggles, beautiful sunrises, TULIPS, warm fires, lots of reading time, a visit from Pops, grocery store runs, a strange cat sighting in the parking garage, dentist check-ups, a house full of nerf darts, evenings of "finding the light", wings with dear friends, a photography workshop, and many games of Skip-Bo. It was a month full of the day-to-day memories that I don't want to forget.
The girls have been on a bow and arrow kick and decided to make their own. (i.e. BRAVE movie)
And Stripe has enjoyed his play time too!

Silly girls!

The girls verse this month had to do with goodness and sharing. Something that is pretty hard for kids to do. (and adults for that matter) The translation they used says "offerings". Other translations say "sacrifices". It is a sacrifice to share and put others first. (especially in this "each to their own" world) But, it's those kind of sacrifices that are so sweet and pleasing to God. One prayer for our girls and our family is that we abound with goodness and are able share with those around us.
Some days are easier than others. The act of kindness and sharing is important, but the heart behind the gesture is the true gem. A heart that God sees and treasures.
" Don’t forget to do good. Don’t forget to share with others. God is pleased with those kinds of offerings."
- Hebrews 13:16
And with that being said, we're off to February and lots of practice in sharing! :)