Saturday, May 19, 2012


And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.
Genesis 9:12-13

Not too long ago, the girls and I were eating inside a fast food restaurant.  We looked out the window and could see the dark clouds blowing our way.  The pretty intense storm blew through pretty quickly and we were able to witness the most beautiful rainbow from our backyard!

I had a special moment with my girls and was able to "visibly" show them one of
God's promises. I'm so thankful for that!

Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
2 Peter 1:4

Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around him. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD. When I saw it, I fell face down, and I heard the voice of one speaking.
Ezekiel 1:28

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Most of the pictures from April, I took with my phone.  Technology amazes me these days.  As I look back at the pictures, I am reminded of how fast life happens.  Flowers have been blooming all over our yard.  Roses, magnolias, tulips, and many more.  The buds grow and bloom overnight!

Here are a few of the many April happenings around our homestead:
Many, many trips to Lowes! (the girls love to "ride" the mowers)
Adison started a new gymnastics class
Steven and I celebrated "9" years together
Abi lost, yet, another tooth
Adison got real glasses
Homework, homework, homework
The "marble jars" were filled to capacity (these were started back in Feb.- more below)
Everyone, but Mommy, seemed to get the stomach bug mid-April
We've made many trips to the park
We've eaten blueberries off of our bush in the back
The girls have been in the sprinkler
Snuggles happened daily
Prayer time has been especially sweet for our family
Moments to learn and lean on God have been abundant

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The Marble Jars were filled!
Kind words were recognized.  Putting others first was rewarded.
Obeying when no one could see was acknowledged.
Hopefully, obedience to God was affirmed.
Our hope and goal for our girls through this is self-evaluation
on a level that they can see and understand.
Some days they got 3 marble and some days only one.
But after the jars were full, it was time to celebrate!
To Chuck E. Cheese we went!
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We had a couple of eye specialist appointments for Adison this month.  This sign was in all the patient rooms and I found it very comforting to know that these doctors acknowledged the Ultimate Physician.

Our Itty Bitty is captivated with ladybugs!
lady bug and Adison

Life happens so fast.  My word for this season that keeps singing in my head is "captivate".
my thoughts, my prayers, my actions

one of my all time favorites:

 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
2 Corn. 10:5


Easter Weekend

The week before Easter, Adison had an egg hunt at her school.  I was able to help hide the eggs and snap a few pictures during the hunt.  She had a blast finding eggs with her friends from school.

adison school egg hunt

Mumsey and Pops were able to come the weekend of Easter! They are both doing really well and the girls loved the time with them.  Mumsey still can't be out and about in public due to all the germs, but that didn't slow her down a bit!  We spent most of the two days outside in the backyard  This was most likely the last time the girls will see her for a while before she has her upcoming stem cell transplant.  Please continue to pray for her and God's provision as she begins this treatment!  She has been responding very well over the past several months and this transplant could possibly be a cure! 
mumsey and easter
PTM Happy Saturday Template copy

Adison's hands were multicolored for days!

This sequence of pictures made Steven and I laugh so hard!! This is the typical Adison and Stripe scenario:  Adison carrying him around, looking like she is about to drop him.
(and he just plays along - what a great dog!)
adison and stripe

We had a great Easter weekend and celebrated our Risen Saviour with our church family Sunday morning.  What a sweet weekend it was!